We drove up the Springbrook plateau a day earlier than planned due to the weather forecast, something like a storm warning. To be safe, and to utilise the remaining good skies, We made last minute plans to go into nature and pack our lunch. Proved to be a good decision as the weather did turned towards the evening and continued through the weekend. When it is wet, and the chance of precipitation is high, you don’t want to get near creeks and waterfalls.
I would very much like to hike down long trails but with my kids and mother-in-law, I would have to settle for visiting established lookouts, if not, just short 300-500m walks to the falls. The other main considerations were the availability of toilet facilities, especially for the girls. Fortunately, many of the Australian parks and natural trails have these facilities.
Twin Falls
First stop was the Tallanbana picnic area. This was chosen for the toilet facilities and picnic facilities for our brunch. after the 1 hour drive. Could have been faster as we took a detour due to road closure. The main access road from the coast was damaged by previous storms. So basically after our picnic, which was pretty simple: boiled potatoes, ham sandwiches (I tell you, Quality bone-in hams here was much cheaper) with raw veggies and carrots. Carbo, Protein and Fibre, all that we needed.
After that, while the morale was high, we head out for our first walk to the Twin Falls. First over to the bridge that crosses the top of the fall about 400m out, easy path.
Then we walked over to the far side to view the falls from another angle.
Twin Falls
Goomoolahra Falls
Instead of taking the Warrie circuit that will lead us from Twin Falls to Goomoolahra Falls, We drove to the lookout. And the top of the waterfall was just 200m away from our car. We met a lovely old couple who just sat at the creek leading to the fall enjoying the sights. We were a bit noisy, hopefully, my kids did not spoil the tranquillity they were enjoying.
Goomoolahra Falls
Canyon Lookout
This lookout was just right beside the car park. When we were there, we met several tourist groups and camper vans. We didn’t stay long here, just enough time to take photos. There was no need as the best sights are the ones you need to walk. We see both the Goomoolahra Falls and Twin Falls from here. There was also Kadjagooma Falls if you can find it in the photos.
Twin Falls from Canyon Lookout
Goomoolahra Falls
Goomoolahra and Kadjagooma Falls
Best of All Lookout
The Best of all Lookout has a name that carries high expectations. So we decided to take another 15 min’s drive across the other side of the Springbrook Plateau, with the only access road to the radio tower. It was an approximately 350m walk along a tarmac paved track, so lookout was wheelchair accessible as well.
Along the way, we came across an Antartic Beech Tree, some horticulture education for the kids.
The entire track was forest and gave no preview of what the view will be. When we were there, the children were in awe. Well, if my kids said that it was the best lookout so far, then the lookout was worthy of the name.

Can’t help it, my wife pointed out the beautiful sky.

Purling Brook Falls
On the way out, we stopped by Purling falls. Again this was a short walk to the falls. When we drove past the opened barricades and parked at a fresh NEW carpark, some construction workers were looking at us curiously. So I struck a conversation with them and came to realise that the city council has just conducted the opening ceremony of the newly renovated parking and picnic facilities. We were given the honour of being the first visitor after opening! The group were still “networking” at the new picnic area when we started our walk in the woods.
Merely 300 m out from the picnic area, we reached the lookout. And we sat here for some time, enjoying the sights and sound.
Purling Brook Falls Purling Brook Falls
I let the younger kids, wife and mother-in-law rest and enjoy the sights while I took the older pair, out to the other side of the falls to take a look. Noticed that some guys were doing water hole swimming below.
Purling Brook Falls
The hike to the bottom will take some time and effort, so we were not planning to do it this time. We would miss the waterhole swimming like what we did in Litchfield National Park at NT.
Again, this had been a fulfilling day. I was able to balance the needs of my group and my desire to walk more and see more. The weather had been good for the day. Nothing I would ask more.